Bertie Pennie -Artist Painter


Bertie Pennie portrait by James Hughes

 (Photo by James Hughes)

Bertie Pennie was born and raised in Co. Antrim and was tutored in the visual arts by Frank Shepherd. He later studied graphic design at Belfast Art College, York Street. He has worked in many domains within the arts and carried out several graphic commissions for local and national television. As well as producing fabulous realistic paintings, he lectures in Art and Design at the Northern Regional College.

The collection "Traces - Along the Line" cover a journey along the former narrow-gauge railway line from Ballygarvey to Retreat beyond Parkmore and then onwards by road to Cushendun. The remaining fragments and ruins of the narrow gauge railway are seen as a window on the past. In generations to come, when these visible traces of history have disappeared, only the surrounding landscape will endure. Memories too will eventually fade, so future generations may have no knowledge of this bygone era of social history. 

Bertie Pennie believes that these images have a direct relationship with our own lives and mortality. As humans, we are but a speck of dust, we live and die, and all that is left are these footprints in time. Every trace will eventually be erased, leaving behind the only constant, the universe itself.